
Thanks for visiting my website! I am delighted to introduce myself to you. My name is: Robert Edgar Murk. My occupation: Marine Artist. I studied commercial art in Canada and fine art in the Netherlands. Initially I painted, portraits, figure studies, land and sea-scapes.

In 1976 after receiving a commission to paint a tea-clipper my passion for all things maritime got the best of me. Having been born in a sea-going nation and living near Rotterdam one of the world’s greatest ports, and having many sea going ancestors, had everything to do with my choice to devote my life to painting marine art in het broadest sense of the word.

In the first 5 Albums of my website I am pleased to share my love for painting ships and ports with you.

My 6th Album is my shop in which I offer you a number of limited edition prints, post and correspondence cards and a calendar for sale.